Applications are OPEN! The deadline for applications is October 31st 2024. We look forward to hearing from you!
In order to apply for Teatrino you must be available from the beginning of January until the end of May 2025. You will need to complete our online application form, which can be found by clicking the ’Apply Now’ button below. The application includes a short personal details section and you will be required to upload a CV, Cover Letter and headshot. Please refer to the Person Specification and Job Description for the role you are applying for, located in the ‘Roles’ section. You must refer to both of these when writing your cover letter.
A short-listed number of applicants will be invited to self-tape and attend a Skype interview.
In order to complete our application you must:
be aged 18 or over
be a native/ highly proficient English speaker
have an EU passport, a Working Holiday Visa (applicable only to Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and South Korean applicants) or another relevant visa which allows you to work in Italy. Applicants who have not yet obtained a Working Holiday Visa however intend to do so can also apply. Any successful non-EU applicants will be required to pay a nominal fee (approx. €170) when arriving in Italy towards your entry stamp. For more information regarding Working Holiday Visas, please visit our FAQs page.
be happy to provide an International Child Protection Certificate (ICPC)/ other relevant certificate if offered a position. Please note, the cost of £70 for an ICPC would be covered by Educo.
If you have any questions please email
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an Educo Tutor
Applications for our 2025 summer
programme are now being accepted!
Teatrino Actors Wanted
Applications are OPEN! The deadline for applications is October 31st 2024. We look forward to hearing from you!
More information